Welcome to CUWIP
The American Physical Society (APS) Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) are three-day regional conferences held simultaneously throughout the United States and Canada for undergraduate women and underrepresented genders interested in physics and astronomy. The University of California, Santa Barbara is pleased to host the 2019 CUWiP @ UCSB, representing southern California, Arizona,and Hawaii, as well as a SPIN UP (Supporting Inclusion of Underrepresented Peoples) workshop. CUWiP will be held from Friday, January 18 to Sunday, January 20, 2019; SPIN UP will be held from Thursday, January 17 to Friday, January 18.
The goal of APS CUWiP is to provide a professional conference for undergraduate women and underrepresented genders to explore opportunities in graduate schools, careers, research, and community-building in physics. CUWiP is a unique networking opportunity for students to share meaningful experiences and have important conversations about the space we navigate as physicists.
We hope you’ll join us! Find more information about the application and registration process and our conference agenda on this site, and check out our social media groups on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
All 2019 CUWiP conferences will be held from Friday Jan. 18 to Sunday Jan 20, 2019. You can find the other conference sites and regions here: